In the final two weeks of school, we implemented a school without walls, when students engaged in volunteer and project work at the following institutions that they helped to identify and select through the year:
Save the Bay: Students and Restoration Educational Specialists transplanted gumplant seedlings, went for a “wetland walk” to explore features of wetland ecosystems, and participated in shoreline cleanup. One-on-one time was spent with the students to teach them about the Bay, the wetland ecosystem, and measures we can take to help it thrive. We also studied terns diving for fish and manta rays swimming in the shallows! Students recovered over 60 lbs. of waste along the MLK shoreline and replanted over 200 plants at the MLK Nursery. Their efforts will help Save the Bay move a step closer toward restoring 100,000 acres of wetlands that will provide valuable wildlife habitat as well as help protect communities from sea level rise caused by climate change. Students were featured in the Save the Bay blog .
SF Food Bank: Students began the morning viewing segments of the movie ‘Food Inc’ to understand another perspective on our food industry. This was followed by two 3-hour shifts measuring and packaging rice, loading apples and other fruit.
Garden for the Environment –Students worked for an afternoon in the garden collecting fruits and vegetables.
SF Conservancy: Students removed invasive species at the Rob Hill Camp Ground, to aid in halting of erosion and general maintenance of the grounds.
Randall Restoration: Students contributed two half days as a thank you for an amazing first year at the Randall Museum by power washing, scrubbing, bleaching and re-finishing the wooden bench that looks over the city of San Francisco.